Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bump Watch

March 20th, 2012
Today was another great prenatal appointment! At now 26w 2d I am measuring 30weeks. He scheduled another sonogram for two weeks from now, I can't wait, I get more excited to see them each time!
I can't believe it is already the third week in March! This month has just flown by! But many more busy/fun weekends to come soon!

Playing Catch Up

Well you can certainly tell it is post spring break, and approaching the end of the semester! As homework assignments keep piling on it has been difficult to keep up with updates. So here's what I've missed:

March 25th & April 1st- was very lucky to have two baby showers! The girls got quite spoiled...

Let's just say Grandma doesn't know when to stop...

April 2, 2012
I had another routine appointment with the girls. I am now measuring 32-33 weeks along (at actually 28w 2d).

April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!! Hunter had a great time with all of his Easter egg hunts! He had one at Jake & Ashley's on Saturday and then one at both the grandparents on Sunday....now what to do with all of this candy?!

The service was held at the TPAC this year!

One of his two over filled baskets, again Grandma doesn't quite know when to stop ;)

April 11, 2012

Yay for sono day! These appointments are always my favorite! I love getting to see how much the girls have grown and what crazy position they have gotten themselves into! The sono went great, and they are both doing good. 

Baby Stats at 29w 4d :

Baby A is measuring 29w 4d with an estimated weight of 3lbs 1oz and is in the 57th percentile for size.
Baby B is measuring 30w 4d with an estimated weight of 3lbs 12oz and is the 87-88th percentile for size. 

The doctor said this is pretty impressive for twins at this gestation and that would be great growth for just one baby much less two! I was happy to hear this considering the likelihood of them arriving early is pretty good, I would like them to get in as much growing as they can before they make their early debut.

The sono tech did notice I had quite a bit of swelling so she ran down the "do you have these symptoms" list for preeclampsia and after I finished answering yes to nearly all of her questions she didn't have a very happy look on her face. She took my BP which was within normal limits and then had me collect a urine sample which came back positive for protein, so she had me stay and see the doctor. He was concerned with the combination of my symptoms (frequent headaches, visual disturbances, constant epigastric pain, vomiting, edema, and fluid retention) that I was becoming preeclamptic. So he had me have a few labs drawn and perform a 24hr urine sample (fun, fun). Well most of the labs came back normal except the protein came back elevated. So during weekly appointment yesterday with Dr. Morrison she recommended I be on bed rest (Gleason is currently out of town).  However she told me to wait and see what he wants to recommend as far as bed rest or activity restriction, since I am still in school and bed rest is not really conducive to class. So I am free for another week until Dr. Gleason gets back on Monday.
Fingers crossed that bed rest won't be needed.

P.S. As of yesterday Dr. Morrison measured my waist at 33.5 weeks.