Friday, May 11, 2012

Crazy Week Ahead

Wow, things are really getting hectic around here! I had 2 tests this week, and classes M-W, my BPP on Tuesday (which turned out great), and an NST yesterday (which was also great).  I have several graduations to attend this weekend and Mother's Day events with both sides of the family all day Sunday which leaves me little time to study for finals that I have M-Th this coming week... along with another BPP, 2 NSTs, and a weekly prenatal appt. Phew!!

I am hoping the girls will cooperate (stay in) and let me survive this marathon week! The 17th is my last final, and so naturally I have the 18th, my first day of summer freedom, highlighted/starred and adorned with smiley faces on my calendar. I have scheduled to get my hair done, do some shopping for the girls, birthday dinner for Josh's sister and a movie date with some awesome friends (who are also expecting!). So  of course it is only appropriate that we go see the "What to expect when you're expecting" looks hilarious!

In the mean time I am blogging instead of nervous reaction to being completely overwhelmed right now, and waiting for time to pass by and 5:30 to roll around because Josh is taking me on my Mother's Day date tonight :) We figured tonight would be the best since 1. the weekend is too busy 2. we have no idea when I am going to deliver so making a trip to KC sooner rather than later is probably a good idea.

Ok, time to stop procrastinating....

P.S. This Tuesday the 15th marks 7 yrs that Josh and I have been together!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bump Watch

Well it has been a busy week. Tuesday my big boy turned 4 years old and Wednesday we had a sono and doctors appt to see how the two little girls are growing.

As of Wednesday (32w 4d) here are the girls' stats:

Baby A is measuring exactly 32w 4d, 4lbs 6oz and is in the 53.5 percentile.

Baby B is measuring exactly 32w 4d, 4lbs 7oz and is in the 54.9 percentile.

Both girls were head down (yay!) now hopefully they stay that way though with all the gymnastics they seem to do in there who knows. They both looked very active had good heartbeats, and good cord pressures. The only thing that didn't look quite right was that Baby A's fluid was measuring low which can be a cause for concern. So Dr. G went ahead and ordered that I have a NST (non-stress test) done on Thursday and a BPP (biophysical profile) and doppler study done on Tuesday.

Thursday's NST went well both girls had the appropriate number of heart accelerations and I only had to be hooked up to the monitors for 20 minutes since they both cooperated :) The biophysical profile on Tuesday will evaluate several different factors of the girls, mainly we will be looking at the amniotic fluid level to determine how low it is. Dr. G said it is then a matter of determining how low is "too low" and that they will determine what will happen from there. He said he would consult with Dr. Evans (the high-risk specialist) and depending on what the results are I may be referred on to him.

The NSTs will be done twice a week, every week until delivery and depending on Tuesday's BPP and DS I may or may not be having weekly BPPs done. Starting the 14th I have weekly prenatal visits. So it is going to be a busy month for this big slow mama.

My goal for the girls is to make it to 36 to 37 weeks. I really just want them to be healthy and developed enough that after delivery we can bring them home with no NICU stay.

So the countdown begins! 22 days until I am 36 weeks and 29 until 37 weeks. Yikes that doesn't leave much time to finish getting things together for the girls' arrival!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Happy fourth birthday to my big man!

    We just did a couple fun things throughout the day since we had his big party this past weekend on the 28th!

     Our day started by going and picking out our own special donuts and then getting donuts to share with his classmates! We also took cupcakes for everyone for later in the afternoon, I'm sure his teacher LOVED the kids getting all that sugar ;)

After school we went with my family to going bonkers to burn off some of that extra sugar....and take in more of course.

After several hours of wearing out dad, aunt Em, and Gma we went for some ice cream at Coldstone. Mom & the babies definitely approved, lol. 

I absolutely cannot  believe how big my little boy is getting. He is the light of our world and I thank God for every wonderful day we are blessed to parent this awesome little person!